ABPI Disclosure Transfer Of Value Reporting
Are you a Pharmaceutical Company who:
a) Has not got the capacity to review and implement a process?
b) Have a process but the manpower involved in pulling the data together, internally auditing and formatting it ready for upload is too extensive?
c) Struggling to decide which department it sits in and whose responsibility it is?
d) Every department inputting their Disclosure Transfer Of Value documents into one person and they have to try and pull it all together?
e) All of the above?
The above all risk ‘something slipping through the net’ and your company misreporting, or not reporting at all, which can lead to an unwelcome knock on the door from the PMCPA!
If March comes around all too quickly and you have to pull on extra resources to ensure you hit the deadline, we have a solution for you!
Are you a supplier for a Pharmaceutical Company and you are being asked for ABPI Disclosure Transfer of Value reporting;
a) Don’t know the information which needs to be captured and submitted?
b) Have no idea how to go about data capturing the information?
c) Have no process in place to ensure the information you need to submit to your client is correct and timely?
All of the above could damage the reputation of your client (and cost them dearly) not to mention your own!
Let Elementary Events take the stress and conflict out of ABPI Disclosure Transfer Of Value reporting away. We have a number of packages suitable for all requirements from a one-off set-up of the process, managing the full process from start to finish alongside you.
Why not get in touch with us and we can discuss some options…